About the Rehabilitation Long-Term Training (RLTT) Program
Established in 1954, the Rehabilitation Training Program is one of the oldest existing federal training grant assistance programs. The Rehabilitation Training Program's purpose is to:
a. Increase the supply of qualified personnel available for employment in the public rehabilitation program, which includes the state-federal program of vocational rehabilitation, federally funded independent living centers, and providers of services to state agencies and independent living centers and programs.
b. Maintain and upgrade basic skills and knowledge of personnel employed in the public rehabilitation program.
Rehabilitation training grants are awarded to ensure that skilled staff is available to provide the broad scope of services required by clients of the state-federal programs of vocational rehabilitation, supported employment, and independent living. The Rehabilitation Long-Term Training (RLTT) program provides financial assistance to states, public and nonprofit agencies and organizations, including institutions of higher education (IHEs), to fund projects that provide academic training to scholars leading to a degree or certificate in various fields of rehabilitation. Upon completing the program, scholars who receive funding through the RLTT program must work two years for every year of scholarship support received. The scholar payback provisions can be found in the program regulations 34 CFR 386.
In 2017, RSA contracted with AnLar, in partnership with Westat, to develop and maintain the Payback Information Management System (PIMS). The main objective of the PIMS is to collect and analyze data on scholars funded by the RLTT grants to track the service obligation of scholars and for use in reporting program performance measures required by the Government Performance and Results Act (1993).