Welcome to the employer section of the Payback Information Management System (PIMS) website. The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Training Program Unit awards Rehabilitation Long-Term Training (RLTT) program grants to institutions of higher education to fund scholars enrolled in a training program leading to a degree or certificate in various fields of rehabilitation. Acceptance of the scholarship includes a service obligation requirement of two years of eligible employment for each year of financial support received. The PIMS is responsible for tracking scholars’ service obligation and scholars are required to report their status and employment information to PIMS annually.
This website provides answers to Frequently Asked Questions about service obligation regulations and how to navigate the PIMS. It also provides a portal to the PIMS online database to collect scholar contact, training, service obligation and employment information for tracking the fulfillment of scholars’ service obligation and for use in reporting RLTT program performance measures.
When scholars submit their employment information in PIMS, the system sends an e-mail notification to the grantee to review and verify that the employment meets the eligibility criteria. Once a grantee approves an employment record, employers will receive an e-mail request to verify the scholar’s employment information. The employer’s responsibility is to access the employment record in PIMS using a secure URL included in the verification request e-mail. If the information provided by the scholar is not accurate, the employer may select “disagree” for those responses and provide the accurate response. The scholar will have the opportunity to make corrections to the employment record and re-submit it to the employer for verification. The verification process should take no longer than 10 minutes.