Welcome to the Payback Information Management System
Thank you for visiting the Payback Information Management System (PIMS) website.
The Rehabilitation Long-Term Training (RLTT) program is authorized under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Act), and is managed by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA), Training Program Unit. The RLTT program awards competitive grants to states and public and nonprofit agencies and organizations, including institutions of higher education (IHEs), to fund projects that provide academic training leading to a certificate or degree in various fields of rehabilitation found in 34 CFR 386.1. Scholars who receive funding through the RLTT program must work two years for every year of funding received upon completing the program. To learn more about the RLTT payback obligation component, please click on the Service Obligation Requirements link.
In 2017, RSA contracted with AnLar, in partnership with Westat, to develop and maintain the PIMS. The PIMS’ primary responsibility is to collect and analyze data on scholars funded by RLTT grants to track the service obligation of scholars and for use in reporting program performance measures required by the Government Performance and Results Act (1993). The PIMS tracks the eligible employment of scholars who have been awarded scholarships from RLTT grants until their service obligations are fulfilled or they are referred to the Secretary for repayment of part or all of the funding received. In order to facilitate this process, AnLar and Westat maintain a secure, online database to collect scholar preparation, and service obligation information for tracking scholars from enrollment through completion of their service obligation.
For more information on your role in the scholar tracking process, click on the Grantees, Scholars, or Employers link. To update service obligation information, please click on the PIMS Login link.